Tooth extraction

Procedures and contraindications

Dental removal: procedures and contraindications

Removal of a tooth is an extreme measure, applied only in cases where it is not possible to preserve it. It is a surgical operation performed by a qualified dentist. In addition to standard cases when the tooth is destroyed by caries, there are several other scenarios requiring removal:

  1. The wisdom tooth: When the wisdom tooth cannot be correctly cut and causes pain or infection.
  2. Difficult jaw damage: In case of serious jaw damage related to the teeth, complex surgery may be required.
  3. Parodontosis: Exacerbated cases of periodontosis when the tooth loses its support and becomes irreparably damaged.

The removal of the teeth is preceded by a thorough analysis, including a study of allergies and the general health of the patient. The procedure is carried out under local anesthesia. After removal, scars are applied for rapid healing.

Postoperative care:

* Cold compressors: Reduces odors and relieve pain.

* Diet: Avoid hard and hot foods, prefer soft and cool foods.

* Mouth brushing: Salt water helps prevent infection.

* Quit smoking and alcohol: Increases your vitality.

Removal of root teeth may be required for various diseases and orthopedic procedures. However, contraindications include systemic and infectious diseases, individual anesthesia, and pregnancy.

Difficult tooth removal:

Complex tooth removal is required if the standard method is not possible due to the abnormal position of the tooth or deep cavity. Lasers and ultrasound instruments can help to minimize the risks.

The careful approach of the specialists and follow-up to the care instructions will help make the dental removal procedures painless and safe for the patient.

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