Tooth implantation with All-on-4 and All-on-6 technology in Prague: A New Life for Your Smile

Имплантация зубов по технологии All-on-4 и All-on-6

All-on-4 Method: Precision implantation for smile enhancement

The All-on-4 method represents an innovative implantation technique where four implants are placed in the upper or lower jaw of the patient, ensuring strength and reliability. This method is ideal for those who have lost teeth due to decay, trauma, or aging. At Omnidentclinic in Prague, we offer quality and affordable All-on-4 implantation to restore your smile.

All-on-6 Method: Complete stability and aesthetics

The All-on-6 method extends the possibilities of implantation by adding two additional implants to the basic All-on-4 structure. This provides even greater stability and a natural appearance of the teeth. At DentalGood, we perform All-on-6 implantation, providing our patients with durable and reliable results.

Advantages of All-on-4 and All-on-6: The perfect solution for smile restoration

Smile Aesthetics: Our All-on-4 and All-on-6 methods provide an amazingly natural look for teeth that is indistinguishable from natural teeth.

Minimal Invasiveness: These methods require minimal implants, reducing the time and complexity of the procedure.

Quick Rehabilitation: Patients can enjoy a new smile shortly after the procedure, as it provides rapid rehabilitation and restoration.

Key stages of turnkey tooth implantation

Consultation and planning: Our experienced dentists conduct a detailed consultation and plan the implantation process, taking into account the individual needs of the patient.

Surgical stage: Implants are placed using All-on-4 or All-on-6 technology, ensuring stable attachment for future dental prostheses.

Rehabilitation and prosthetics: Once the bone fully heals around the implants, beautiful and functional dental prostheses are placed, restoring full bite and smile.

Implants used in the All-on-4 and All-on-6 technology

We use only high-quality implants from leading global manufacturers, ensuring the durability and reliability of your smile.

Our advantages:

  • Extensive experience: Our team has years of successful experience with All-on-4 and All-on-6 methods, providing flawless results.
  • High-quality work: We strive for the highest standard of quality in all our procedures, using only advanced technologies and materials.
  • Affordable prices: Our quality is affordable for everyone. We offer competitive prices for all our services to make your smile incredibly beautiful and accessible.

If you are looking for reliable and experienced tooth implantation services using the All-on-4 or All-on-6 methods in Prague, contact Omnidentclinic. Our professionals will gladly help you restore your smile and bring joy back into your life. Contact us now and give your smile a new life!


  • Complete absence of teeth in one or both jaws
  • A large number of teeth that are severely damaged or affected by caries and cannot be treated
  • Contraindications to bone augmentation
  • Unwillingness to wear a removable denture
  • Poor fixation of removable dentures and their falling out while eating or speaking
  • The need to quickly restore the function and aesthetics of teeth


  • Inflammatory processes in the oral cavity
    Chronic diseases: immune system disorders, nervous, respiratory system disorders, blood clotting issues
  • Many contraindications are relative, so it is important to consult with a dental surgeon.
  • Prosthetics with all-on-6 can be performed even with a lack of bone tissue. Thanks to the additional supports, the load on the jaw and prosthesis is evenly distributed.
  • If the bone tissue is sufficient, the dentist may suggest implantation on four supports with all-on-4.

Advantages of All-on-4 and All-on-6: The ideal solution for restoring your smile


Aesthetics of the smile

Our All-on-4 and All-on-6 methods ensure an amazingly natural appearance of teeth that cannot be distinguished from natural teeth.


Minimal interventions

These methods require a minimal number of implants, which reduces the time and complexity of the procedure.


Quick rehabilitation

Patients can enjoy their new smile soon after the procedure because it ensures quick rehabilitation and restoration.

The phases of All-on-4 and All-on-6 implantation

The first phase - diagnostic

Computer tomography with 3D visualization, digital scanning of the jaws, compilation of a photo protocol, consultation with a surgeon-implantologist and a dentist-prosthetist, preparation of an individual treatment plan (within one day).

2 этап

The second phase - surgical

Installation of implants according to the full protocol without the need for incisions, with immediate attachment of a temporary bridge prosthesis containing 10 teeth. Clinic stay - 2 days.

3 этап

The third phase - prosthetic

Replacement of temporary bridges with fixed ones is done 3-6 months after implant installation. This process involves digital scanning and manufacturing of the permanent structure according to the individual treatment plan.

Examples of work

If you are looking for reliable and experienced dental implant services using the All-on-4 or All-on-6 methods in Prague, contact Omni Dent Clinic. Our experts are ready to help you restore your smile and bring joy back into your life. Contact us now and give your smile a new lease of life!

Example of work number 1

Example of work number 2

Example of work number 3

Example of work number 4

Виталий Шмадюк

Vitaliy Shmadyuk

Head dentist of the clinic, implantologist, orthopedist. Practice since 2011.

    *The price of the recall depends on the frequency of visits and the condition of oral cavity hygiene.

    *Prices are set according to the new pricing calculation, which is mandatory for all healthcare facilities (according to law 526/1990 Coll., decree 450/2009, and others).

    Questions and answers

    Yes, all-on-six type implants are inserted immediately after tooth extraction.

    Yes, if there are no health contraindications, our doctors can extract teeth, perform implantations, and fit a temporary dental replacement within 24 hours after the completion of the surgery. In some cases, the temporary dental replacement may be placed 3-7 days after implantation.

    The procedure of placing six supporting implants is performed within one day. All implants are placed within a few hours. If necessary or in complex clinical cases, the procedure can be performed under general anesthesia upon the patient’s request (dental implantation under anesthesia).

    The cost of the all-on-6 implant depends on your clinical case and the type of implants used. Schedule a consultation with our implantologist to determine the implantation cost in your case.

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